Saturday, 14 February 2015

MyEssay: Information technology in classroom


Question: How can [NA1] schools make the best use [NA2] of information technology [NA3] in the classroom?
à The interpretation of the assignment question: Identify 3 main part of the question; Command, Topic and Focus.

Nowadays, education pursuant is essential on acquiring the skills required for building a comfortable living. It means considerably beyond just able to teach a student to read, write and manipulate numbers[NA4] . With the advent of new technology, it leads to the development of the technology-based education[NA5]  that is more entertaining and gives more rewarding educational experiences. Such new approach for education offers vast opportunities in widening the access to various resources and knowledge base for both teaching input and learning outcomes for teachers and students in school. Therefore, technology may significantly affects the educational experiences in school by enhancing the way teachers teach and students to learn. What really the first order matter is the way to best manipulate the technology in education so as it able to improve educational experience in school. In order to achieve the best outcomes from the use of information technology (IT) in schools, proper workable plans need to be in place to fully integrate IT in all aspects of curriculum so that it contribute to further enhance the educational experiences for both educators and their students[NA6] .

The risk of not having a proper plan before the setting up of the education-based technology is a kind of wasting the money, time and resources. The implementation of the technology-based education is rather quite expensive and requires a substantial amount of investment. There are considerable costs involve to buy IT appliances and equipment for making them ready to start the educational courses in school. The IT experts also need to be consulted for proper installation taking place. Hence well-functioning system is able to perform as desired. Additionally the operations are also costly while the system maintenance needs to perform on frequent basis on avoiding any possible breakdown and obsolete in technology. For taking such a substantial amount of investment at once, proper plan inevitably essential to avoid risk of failure and loss in investment. 

The school’s management has to conduct research of the most appropriate technology to ensure the good value for money on the technological investment for their educational purpose is obtained. The bought technology has to be compatible to the existing expertise and human resources. Unless the school management affords to hire additional experts to serve the newly built educational aids, the compatibility issue became less relevance. Randomly buying IT equipment or software may not be a wise decision since functionality of the system is at risk. It is a waste to simply owned the most recent technology without having capacity to use them in assisting the teaching and learning experiences in the school. The condition as such is wasting of time and resources. Longer time may be required to adopt and adjust comfortably of using the new technologies that were randomly purchased for the school. As such, the important aspect to consider is to conduct proper research on evaluating the technological options that may yield the best outcomes to enhance educational experiences within the capacity of school itself. The compatibility may accelerate the adaptation and adjustment of utilizing technological innovation for teaching and learning among the teachers and students in the school. Thus, it provides higher probability of success of incorporating interesting educational experiences for every lesson in the school.

The anticipation of the possible problems during the implementation process of the technological-based education needs to be as part of the school’s plan as well. This way, the staffs and students are fully supported and well-inform of the desired results from the newly established IT system for education in the school. The resistant to technological changes among teachers has to deal effectively by providing extra helps and supports for those who are unfamiliar with the technologies. The inexperienced in handling the technologies may limit to achievement of the overall intended outcomes for technological-based education. As such, training may be required to make sure teachers are competent in handling the IT equipment for them to enjoy the teaching and gaining full benefits of obtaining better educational inputs as outlined for the desired teaching improvements.

In addition, assessment of students’ learning experience is also an important aspect to consider during the plan. This may provide a yardstick in relation to the level of technological success in adapting technology for the education experience by teachers who teach and students who learn using the IT tools. The better scores in the assessments of students’ experience in their education through the use of technologies, the more exciting and more rewarding the knowledge they could benefits by attending the lessons in school. Thus encourage them to perform better in their academic. For school management, the results of the assessment provide them an input on their preparation to monitor the development of students as a result of the technological-based education. Such inputs also enable the school’s management to adjust the educational assistance tools accordingly as the necessities may arise. Continuous monitoring would ensure the effectiveness of the system in place with any defects could be corrected at the earliest instances they are detected. Thus, avoiding the risk of failure in technological investment for the school.   

It is equally vitally important to incorporate in plan of educating both teachers and students in relation to the potential and capabilities of technological assistances provided to them. They should be thought about the strategies of utilizing the technologies at optimum. The possible danger of having to unlimited access through online contents by students who got chance to use technology could be restricted by imposing them certain rules and regulations upon their access to virtual information.  Such provisions should limit them to utilize the technological facilities only in manners that could bring the most beneficial for their educational development. By making aware of the context in which they could have better prospects of dealing with the technological assistant tools, students are directly learn to appreciate all the potential benefits they could reap from the learning tools that are most valuable to their educational purposes.

Nevertheless, the full potential of the technological-based education is entirely depend on the creativities and imagination of the teachers and students themselves to utilize the technologies in a way that best suit to them to enhance their educational experience. The actualization of the full potential of technological educational tools is imperatively though, started from the proper initial plan to arrange, structure, implementation and maintain the IT according to the capacity of a school itself. In complimentary, the competent handling of the IT tools among teachers, and rules and regulations of IT usage in place, would formed the best mechanisms to encourage students to accelerate their adaptation to IT in the way that most beneficial of enhancing their learning experiences. The success in the incorporation of IT into the classroom eventually resulting to broaden the minds and experiences for students in reaping worthy academic experiences for every hour they spend in school.

 [NA1](1) COMMAND of the question: This are command or directing words that tell you what to do, such as discuss, analyse, compare, critique or evaluate.

Things to accomplish: Tabulate all the command words for reference.

 [NA2](3) FOCUS of the discussionà The specific area of the topic that you need to concentrate on. Sometimes there is more than one focus in a question. This can usually be extending the strategy suggested in (2) for e.g. Discuss what?  In relation of what? In the context of what?

 [NA3](2) TOPIC of the questionà is the general area of discussion. The topic can be determined by taking the command word and asking “What” after it. For e.g. Discuss ..what? or compare..what?. Here the topic is the use of information technology in school/ educational institutions.--> context is in school.

 [NA4]Structure: Introductionà The essay begins with a general lead into the broad topic by indicating the inadequacy of traditional teaching and bring up the technology to improve the limitation of the previous system in education.

It sets up a problem that the essay will solve.

 [NA5]Structure: Introduction à Topic is narrowed by affirming the significant of the IT for teachers and students.

 [NA6]The final sentence is the THESIS STATEMENT =ARGUMENT. Notice how the beginning of the sentence is constructed to answer the essay question: the FOCUS; best use; impliedly ask for the elaboration how best technology be used to help produce the favourable result afterward of using technology in school.

The essay suggest the early stage of technology use. The preparation to setup the technology to enhance educational experience in schools; Stages suggestion could be before/during/ after. This essay particularly choose to elaborate on initial stage to use IT in school.

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